Community Services

Extreme Heat Resources

Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness, and how to avoid it, as well as tips for staying cool during extreme heat. Make sure to have a plan before the weather gets hot to take care of yourselves, loved ones, and neighbours.

Virtual Maternity Hub

Maternity providers in Tri-Cities and New Westminster have developed a website for prenatal and postnatal patients. The site includes prenatal classes, frequently asked maternity questions, delivery information, infant vaccinations, and more.

Patient Resources on Pathways

Pathways is a locally maintained website that hosts all kinds of health information. Some of these resources include Addictions, Caregiver Support, Child Services, Senior Services, Disability Services, Mental Health, First Nation Services, and Youth Services.

Fraser Northwest Division Health Updates

The Fraser Northwest Division updates social media regularly with important health tips, blog posts, and community events.

Follow the Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice on Instagram @frasernorthwest.

They also send a quarterly email to all mailing list subscribers with updates about community events, health and wellness, resources in Tri-Cities and New Westminster, and more.

BC 211 Resource Search

BC 211 is a resource search service for metro Vancouver areas. Resources in your community can be easily located with a postal code search. Some of these resources include Mental Health, Health Care, Emergency and Crisis, Employment and Training, Housing, Financial Assistance, and LGBT2SQ+ services.

Lab Tests and Results

My Care Compass

Access your lab results online as soon as they become available.

LifeLabs Save My Spot

LifeLabs offers an online web resource and App to check wait times and add your name to the waitlist.

Mental Health

Mental health resources online

Kelty's Key
Antidepressant Skills Workbook
Looking After Yourself Modules
Anxiety Canada
ACT Mindfully (check out the videos!) - COVID specific video HERE
Corona Virus Sanity Guide (from 10% Happier)
Palouse Mindfulness (free course "MBSR")
Free CBTi - for insomnia

Family Smart (connect with other parents of kids with mental health concerns)
UNICEF parenting tips

BC government resources (including low-no cost counseling)

Here2Talk - for secondary school kids - free virtual counseling for ages 12-24 via Foundry

Calm (good for sleep)
CBT iCoach for insomnia
Calm Harm App (for self harm)
Calm Fear App (for anxiety)
Insight Timer (for meditation)
Down Dog Yoga (free yoga, including prenatal!)